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    Oulu weather and climate in 2024



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    68 mm

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    Rainy days

    10 days

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    19 hours




    9 hours




    70 %



    21 °C



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    68 mm

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    Rainy days

    10 days

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    19 hours




    9 hours




    70 %

    Overview: Oulu
    The city of Oulu in Finland, renowned for its stunning Northern geography, offers a truly continental subarctic climate. The temperatures oscillate dramatically, with February often taking the crown for the coldest nights, marking a chilly -13 °C (8 °F), while July parades the warmest days, averaging 21 °C (70 °F). The heavens bless Oulu with a modest average annual precipitation of 44 mm (1.71 in) per month, with July being the most generous. Despite the generosity of sunlight in summer with an average of 9 per day, winter cloaks the land in darkness, with December averaging merely 0 per day. Expect substantial variations in temperatures along with snow, frequent rainfall, and some brisk winds throughout the year.

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    Weather overview for Oulu

    Weather overview

    The city of Oulu in Finland, renowned for its stunning Northern geography, offers a truly continental subarctic climate. The temperatures oscillate dramatically, with February often taking the crown for the coldest nights, marking a chilly -13 °C (8 °F), while July parades the warmest days, averaging 21 °C (70 °F). The heavens bless Oulu with a modest average annual precipitation of 44 mm (1.71 in) per month, with July being the most generous. Despite the generosity of sunlight in summer with an average of 9 per day, winter cloaks the land in darkness, with December averaging merely 0 per day. Expect substantial variations in temperatures along with snow, frequent rainfall, and some brisk winds throughout the year.

    January weather

    January in Oulu is a deep midwinter canvas painted with subdued hues and frosty breath. Averaging daytime highs of a mere -5 °C (22 °F), the landscape slumbers under a cold silence, occasionally disturbed by a 4 m/s gust of wind. The nighttime temperature can plunge to a brisk -14 °C (7 °F), while the skies ration daylight to a sparing 1.

    February weather

    February still grips Oulu in winter's hold; however, the daily averages climb just a tad to -5 °C (23 °F). The nights remain a frozen tapestry at about -13 °C (8 °F). Slight increments in sunshine, now at 2, hint at the distant promise of spring. The wind holds steady, chilling to the bone at 4 m/s.

    March weather

    As Oulu thaws in March, the thermometer is more forgiving, with the sun casting 0 °C (31 °F) by day. Nightfall hushes to -9 °C (16 °F). Gentle zephyrs carry the remnants of winter at 4 m/s, while the sun dares to linger, gracing the sky for 4.

    April weather

    April's whisper of seasonal change bares a milder Oulu, with a daytime average ascending to 6 °C (42 °F). The night retreats slightly from its frigid stance to -3 °C (27 °F). The winds slow their step to 4 m/s, and precious sun hours proliferate to 6.

    May weather

    May in Oulu is a symphony of life, singing at 13 °C (55 °F) by day, before whispering to 3 °C (37 °F) under the starlight. Waves of green wash over the land, winds blow a gentler 4 m/s, and the sun becomes a loyal companion, gracing the skies with 8.

    June weather

    June's midsummer magic peaks in Oulu, with thermometers reaching a pleasant 18 °C (65 °F). The nocturnal cool is still present at 9 °C (48 °F). Subtle breezes at 4 m/s coax sails and kites alike, and daylight stretches regally, clocking in at 10.

    July weather

    July's zenith of warmth caresses Oulu, flirting with 21 °C (70 °F). Yet the nights maintain a cool vigil at 12 °C (54 °F). The zephyrs rest, mustering only 3 m/s. The land indulges in 9, celebrating light without end.

    August weather

    August in Oulu mirrors July's warmth with 18 °C (65 °F) by day, sliding to a cooler 10 °C (50 °F) when the sun retreats. The breeze chills sparingly at 3 m/s, and the sun's tenure shrinks to 6, hinting at the coming autumn.

    September weather

    September in Oulu sees the golden hues of autumn seeping in. Daytime highs moderate to 13 °C (55 °F) whereas evenings hint at coming frosts with 5 °C (41 °F). Chilly winds dance through the falling leaves at 4 m/s, and the sun begins its modest retreat, now seen for 4.

    October weather

    October whispers of the impending winter with a cool 6 °C (42 °F) in Oulu, while nights dip into a chillier 0 °C (33 °F). A brisk wind howls at 4 m/s, eroding the warmth of day. The lack of sun, now at 2, casts a long shadow over the impending cold.

    November weather

    November sees the mercury hover around a daytime 0 °C (32 °F), with the darkness of night reigning at -6 °C (22 °F) in Oulu. A blustery wind blows at 4 m/s. The sun, now a rare jewel, bestows a mere 1.

    December weather

    December's wintry breath chills Oulu to a hush with -4 °C (26 °F) by day, plummeting to -11 °C (12 °F) in the still of night. Winds whisper at 4 m/s while the sun scarcely peaks, illuminating the city for merely 0.


    How many layers would I need when venturing outdoors in Oulu in January?

    Dressing in Oulu in January calls for a layered approach – consider thermal innerwear, a sturdy insulating middle layer, and an inevitable windproof, waterproof outer shell to brave the relentless chill. Keep your extremities covered with gloves, hats, and winter boots.

    Is February much warmer than January in Oulu?

    Warmth is still a sparse guest in Oulu during February, with a trivial rise in daytime highs. Bundling up remains essential, as chilly air reigns supreme, especially during the starry nights.

    With March temperatures in Oulu, would I still need snow boots?

    Snow often persists, so don your snow boots in March; they're the bulwark against the capricious melt and freeze. Keep your layers handy; it's a transition worth whimsy in Oulu.

    What kind of outdoor activities can I enjoy in Oulu during April?

    April opens the door to outdoor rejoicing – snow sports still beckon, while burgeoning trails invite walks amidst shy blossoms. Just be vigilant of muddy paths from the melt.

    Can I leave my heavy coat at home when visiting Oulu in May?

    In May, the heavy coat may retreat to the closet for brief sojourns, but keep it close; the Finnish spring is a fickle friend, and evenings can still chill the bones.

    Is June considered warm in Oulu?

    Warm is relative in Oulu, but June is often as close as it gets to a summer's caress – with temperatures that are agreeable, yet occasionally brisk.

    How often does it rain in Oulu during July?

    July generously waters Oulu; expect 68 mm (2.68 in) of rainfall, spread over an average of 10 days – umbrellas and picnic blankets should stand at the ready.

    Is August still summer in Oulu?

    August clings to summer's hem, but it's a furtive grip. The warmth is waning; soon, layers will resume their reign. Savor the sun's tender glow while it lasts.

    Does September in Oulu bring many rainy days?

    September skies weep tenderly over Oulu, with precipitation averaging 45 mm (1.79 in), scattered across 10 days, so keep your rain gear close.

    Are October days in Oulu very windy?

    October's winds gust with a certain fervor, ushering in cooler days. It's a month where an extra layer won't go amiss against the brisk 4 m/s gales.

    What kind of weather should I be prepared for in Oulu during November?

    Prepare for November's chill and early twilight in Oulu – layering becomes non-negotiable as winter's herald. Embrace the coziness of indoor warmth, and venture outside with respect for the elements.

    How does Oulu celebrate the holiday season with such short daylight hours?

    Oulu nestles into December's darkness with a twinkling of festive lights and the warmth of community. Short days are brightened by holiday cheer, while night becomes a canvas for the Aurora Borealis.

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