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    Drammen weather and climate in 2024



    21 °C



    12 °C



    17 °C



    88 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    13 days

    in month



    18 hours




    8 hours




    70 %



    21 °C



    12 °C



    17 °C



    88 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    13 days

    in month



    18 hours




    8 hours




    70 %

    Overview: Drammen
    Drammen, with its picturesque landscapes and Scandinavian ambiance, experiences a diverse climate throughout the year. Winters are cold with nighttime lows dipping to -6 °C (20 °F) in February, and summers are mild, peaking at 21 °C (70 °F) in July. Daytime temperatures throughout the year often range from chilly to comfortable warmth, inviting residents to enjoy the varying seasons. Precipitation is fairly spread over the year, with the wettest month being August receiving 98 mm (3.86 in) of rainfall, while February is the driest with 45 mm (1.77 in). Despite the notoriously variable weather, the beautiful town remains a bastion of Norwegian charm and resilience against the elements.

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    Weather overview for Drammen

    Weather overview

    Drammen, with its picturesque landscapes and Scandinavian ambiance, experiences a diverse climate throughout the year. Winters are cold with nighttime lows dipping to -6 °C (20 °F) in February, and summers are mild, peaking at 21 °C (70 °F) in July. Daytime temperatures throughout the year often range from chilly to comfortable warmth, inviting residents to enjoy the varying seasons. Precipitation is fairly spread over the year, with the wettest month being August receiving 98 mm (3.86 in) of rainfall, while February is the driest with 45 mm (1.77 in). Despite the notoriously variable weather, the beautiful town remains a bastion of Norwegian charm and resilience against the elements.

    January weather

    January in Drammen greets with frosty air, the daytime temperature plods at -1 °C (30 °F). With 12 days of precipitation, the winter chill is often accompanied by snow rather than rain. The crisp nights are bracing with the average temperature of -6 °C (22 °F).

    February weather

    The cold continues in February, albeit with a slight rise in temperature to an average daytime high of -1 °C (31 °F). The setting is typically wintry, made clearer by the lowest precipitation of the year at 45 mm (1.77 in) and a decreased average of 10 days rainy days.

    March weather

    March in Drammen displays tentative signs of spring, as temperatures slowly climb to a daily high of 3 °C (37 °F). With precipitation spread over 10 days, weather patterns oscillate between winter's end and the onset of spring.

    April weather

    April sees a more definitive shift towards spring as average daytime temperatures reach 8 °C (47 °F) in Drammen. Rainfall continues to be a companion on 10 days, with the landscape slowly coming to life after the long winter.

    May weather

    May in Drammen is when the bloom is truly on, with daytime temperatures blossoming to a lovely 15 °C (58 °F). Rain falls over 11 days, but the warmth starts to outweigh the moisture.

    June weather

    June's arrival marks the start of summer in Drammen, though the term is relative with an average high of 18 °C (65 °F). It is the time of year with the longest days, yet 12 days are marked with rainfall.

    July weather

    July, the heart of summer in Drammen, boasts the warmest weather of the year, gently peaking at 21 °C (70 °F). The summer sky is graced with 43 hours of sunshine, yet 13 days could still encounter a drop or two of rain.

    August weather

    August is similar to July in temperature with a high of 19 °C (67 °F), but surpasses it in rainfall, becoming the wettest month with 98 mm (3.86 in). Long daylight hours of around 42 hours somewhat balance the frequent showers.

    September weather

    September in Drammen begins the autumnal cooldown, with average highs dialing back to 14 °C (57 °F). Precipitation remains significant with 12 days, and the nights grow notably longer and cooler.

    October weather

    October heralds a crisper Drammen, as the fall fully asserts itself and temperatures descend to an average high of 8 °C (47 °F). With 13 days of rainfall, it's a reminder of the changing seasons.

    November weather

    November in Drammen is characterized by a further temperature decline to 3 °C (37 °F) during the day. The probability of snow increases as the month progresses, mingled with 14 days of rainfall.

    December weather

    With December, winter fully envelops Drammen, and daylight dwindles to just around 1 hour. Daytime temperatures hover around -1 °C (31 °F), while nights are consistently frosty.


    How cold does it get in Drammen during January nights?

    January nights in Drammen are quite cold, with average temperatures dropping to a chilly -6 °C (22 °F), ensuring that warm blankets are a must.

    What are the typical temperatures in Drammen during February?

    February typically remains on the chilly side with the daytime temperature hovering just below freezing at -1 °C (31 °F) and nights staying cold.

    Does the temperature in Drammen start to warm up in March?

    March does bring a gentle warmth, nudging the daily high temperature up to 3 °C (37 °F); an early whisper of spring for Drammen.

    How warm is it in Drammen during April?

    Drammen experiences a noticeable change in April with the temperature pleasantly reaching 8 °C (47 °F) during the day, inviting outdoor activities.

    What temperatures can I expect in Drammen in May?

    Expect comfortable warmth in May, as temperatures climb to an inviting 15 °C (58 °F), perfect for enjoying the greenery.

    What's the average daytime temperature in Drammen in June?

    June days in Drammen are mild with summer showing its face at an average of 18 °C (65 °F), perfectly pleasant for most outdoor pursuits.

    How warm can it get in Drammen in July?

    July offers the peak of Drammen's summer, with comfortable daytime highs reaching a balmy 21 °C (70 °F)—ideal for picnics by the river.

    What is the average high temperature in Drammen in August?

    August sustains summer warmth with an average daily high around 19 °C (67 °F), making it generally a pleasant month despite the precipitation.

    What's the temperature like in Drammen in September?

    September enjoys the mild remnants of summer with average highs still at a cozy 14 °C (57 °F), but the hint of autumnal chill is certainly in the air.

    How chilly does Drammen get in October?

    October brings a noticeable chill to Drammen, with the mercury settling at an average high of 8 °C (47 °F), beckoning for warmer layers.

    What are typical November temperatures in Drammen?

    November days in Drammen see the temperatures continuing to fall, with an average high of just 3 °C (37 °F) making it brisk but bearable with appropriate attire.

    How cold are the days in Drammen in December?

    December days in Drammen are often biting cold with the mercury seldom rising above -1 °C (31 °F), while nights are colder still.

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