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    United States of America

    Cleveland, OH weather and climate in 2024



    28 °C



    17 °C



    23 °C



    87 mm

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    10 days

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    14 hours




    8 hours




    73 %



    28 °C



    17 °C



    23 °C



    87 mm

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    Rainy days

    10 days

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    14 hours




    8 hours




    73 %

    Overview: Cleveland, OH
    Cleveland, OH presents a diverse climate with four distinct seasons. Winters are characterized by cold temperatures, with January highs barely above freezing, and a moderate amount of snowfall. Summer brings warmth, with July often seeing peak daytime temperatures nearing 29 degrees Celsius. Transition seasons, spring and fall, offer a mix of conditions with spring leaning towards a bit more rain and fluctuating temperatures while autumn provides crisp air and a beautiful fall foliage display. Despite the humidity being relatively comfortable most of the year, it can peak in the summer months, particularly July.

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    Weather overview for Cleveland, OH

    Weather overview

    Cleveland, OH presents a diverse climate with four distinct seasons. Winters are characterized by cold temperatures, with January highs barely above freezing, and a moderate amount of snowfall. Summer brings warmth, with July often seeing peak daytime temperatures nearing 29 degrees Celsius. Transition seasons, spring and fall, offer a mix of conditions with spring leaning towards a bit more rain and fluctuating temperatures while autumn provides crisp air and a beautiful fall foliage display. Despite the humidity being relatively comfortable most of the year, it can peak in the summer months, particularly July.

    January weather

    January in Cleveland is deep winter, with biting chills. Average nighttime lows hover around -6 °C (21 °F), and daytime highs just breach the freezing mark at 2 °C (35 °F). The prevalence of 12 of precipitation brings snow and icy conditions, emphasizing the need for warm clothing, especially insulated boots and thick coats.

    February weather

    February in Cleveland continues the trend of cold weather, with nighttime temperatures averaging -6 °C (22 °F) and highs during the day reaching closer to 3 °C (38 °F). The snow can still be a common sight, as the city sees an average of 11 of precipitation. However, the winds start to slow a bit, averaging 5, bringing a slight relief from the harsh January gusts.

    March weather

    March ushers in the first signs of spring in Cleveland, with average night temperatures rising to -2 °C (29 °F) and day temperatures reaching up to 8 °C (47 °F). Though the snow begins to recede, the city can still experience an average of 12 of precipitation. Mud and slush become common as the snow melts, and winds slow down further to an average of 5.

    April weather

    April in Cleveland is a true spring month with nighttime lows averaging 4 °C (39 °F) and daytime highs around 16 °C (60 °F). The city typically receives a moderate amount of rainfall, averaging 83 mm (3.27 in) throughout the month, which contributes to the blooming of spring flowers. An increase in 52 of sunshine helps to warm the days.

    May weather

    May sees the full swing of spring in Cleveland, offering comfortable nighttime temperatures of 9 °C (49 °F), while the days can reach an enjoyable 21 °C (71 °F). As temperatures rise, you'll experience an average of 13 of precipitation, although this tends to consist more of rain showers rather than snow. Sunshine hours extend to about 57 hours, perfect for late afternoon walks in the city's many parks.

    June weather

    June in Cleveland ushers in the start of summer with warm night temperatures at an average of 15 °C (59 °F), escalating to impressively warm days, hitting an average high of 27 °C (80 °F). Residents and visitors alike can enjoy 62 of sunshine, though they should be prepared for an average of 12 of precipitation, including occasional thunderstorms.

    July weather

    July is the peak of summer in Cleveland, featuring the warmest nighttime temperatures of the year at an average of 17 °C (63 °F) and hitting daytime highs of nearly 29 °C (84 °F). The sun blesses the city with approximately 64, while humidity at this time can be quite high, influencing the heat index. Though rainfall is common, with an average of 12, the summer showers are usually brief.

    August weather

    August in Cleveland, while still part of summer, begins to hint at the coming fall. Average lows at night are a comfortable 17 °C (62 °F), and the days remain warm with highs of 28 °C (82 °F). The city can experience 10 of precipitation, which means thunderstorms are still in the roster. The hours of sunshine start to reduce slightly to 59, but there's still plenty of daylight for enjoying outdoor activities.

    September weather

    September introduces a noticeable change as Cleveland transitions into fall. Nights cool down to a mild 13 °C (55 °F), while daytime temperatures remain pleasant at 24 °C (76 °F). The rainfall reduces slightly, averaging 90 mm (3.52 in) across 10. As the sun retreats further to 56, the autumn colors begin their display.

    October weather

    October sees the heart of fall with Cleveland showcasing brilliant foliage. Temperatures become crisper, with an average low of 7 °C (44 °F) at night and highs during the day around 18 °C (64 °F). Average precipitation occurs over 11, and the wind picks up, averaging 4, making it feel chillier especially in the evenings.

    November weather

    November in Cleveland can be described as the doorstep to winter, with night temperatures dropping to an average 2 °C (36 °F) and day temperatures falling to 11 °C (51 °F). The city almost always faces an average of 12 of wet weather, and the leaves begin to disappear, heralding the impending snow.

    December weather

    December in Cleveland greets residents with the onset of winter, marked by cold nights averaging -3 °C (26 °F), and highs during the day at only 4 °C (39 °F). The month is also distinguished by its 13 of precipitation, often snow, as we approach the holiday season.


    How cold does it get in Cleveland during January nights?

    January nights in Cleveland are very cold, dropping to an average low of -6 °C (21 °F). Make sure to bundle up with extra layers if you're stepping out.

    Is February in Cleveland still good for winter sports?

    Absolutely, February's average low of -6 °C (22 °F) and the likelihood of snow with 11 of wet days make it ideal for winter sports enthusiasts.

    Does Cleveland warm up in March?

    Cleveland does begin to warm up in March, with day temperatures climbing to an average high of 8 °C (47 °F), melting away the winter's snow.

    Can I start wearing lighter clothes in Cleveland during April?

    With the daytime highs averaging 16 °C (60 °F), you can certainly transition to lighter clothing, though do keep a jacket handy for the variable spring weather.

    Is May typically warm in Cleveland?

    Indeed, May brings a warm feel to Cleveland with an average high of 21 °C (71 °F), signaling a pleasant shift towards summer.

    Is June in Cleveland hot enough for outdoor activities?

    Absolutely, with daytime temperatures reaching 27 °C (80 °F), June is perfect for outdoor activities in Cleveland, from lakeside fun to visiting local festivals.

    How hot are the days in Cleveland during July?

    July days in Cleveland are hot, averaging 29 °C (84 °F), so it's a time to enjoy the sun, though be mindful of the humidity which can increase the feel of the heat.

    Is August generally a good time to visit parks in Cleveland?

    Definitely, Cleveland's parks are lush in August with daytime highs of 28 °C (82 °F) and the ample daylight encourages outdoor leisure and picnics.

    Does September in Cleveland feel like fall?

    Yes, September in Cleveland has distinct fall characteristics, with milder nights and still-pleasant 24 °C (76 °F) days, accompanied by the early signs of fall foliage.

    Is it cold in Cleveland during October?

    October days in Cleveland are comfortably cool averaging 18 °C (64 °F), but the nights can start getting quite cold, so pack accordingly.

    What's the weather like in Cleveland in November?

    November's weather in Cleveland is chilly with an average high of 11 °C (51 °F) and an increase in wet days, signaling the approaching winter.

    How cold are Cleveland winters in December?

    December in Cleveland is quite cold, with average highs just above freezing at 4 °C (39 °F) and nights dropping down to around -3 °C (26 °F).

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