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    Northwest Croatia

    Zagreb weather and climate

    Northwest Croatia

    Zagreb weather and climate



    27 °C



    16 °C



    94 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    9 days

    in month



    14 hours




    8 hours




    72 %



    27 °C



    16 °C



    94 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    9 days

    in month



    14 hours




    8 hours




    72 %

    Overview: Zagreb
    Nestled within Croatia is the city of Zagreb, which is characterized by a temperate continental climate. Its seasonal temperature fluctuations range from an average daily high of 4 °C (40 °F) in January to a warming peak of 28 °C (82 °F) come July. Nightly lows mirror this pattern; January sees an average minimum of -2 °C (29 °F) while in July, the temperature gently decreases to an average of 16 °C (61 °F). Remarkably, the lowest precipitation occurs in January with about 8 days of rainfall, contrasting with June's pronounced wetness when rain is seen on 13 days.

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    Last week's weather in Zagreb

    The average temperature for the week of 15 July 2024 - 21 July 2024 was 32 °C (90 °F) during the day and 20 °C (68 °F) during the night. The current temperatures are above the long-term average for Zagreb, with the daily and nighttime temperatures being 28 °C (82 °F) and 16 °C (61 °F), respectively. In the end, Saturday was coldest day of the week. The average temperatures observed during different times of day (based on local time) were as below: 7am 23 °C (73 °F), 10am 27 °C (81 °F), 1pm 30 °C (86 °F), 4pm 32 °C (90 °F), 7pm 30 °C (86 °F), 10pm 25 °C (77 °F).

    There were 6 days without rain and 1 day with heavy rain during this week. Zagreb received 31 mm (1.22 in) of precipitation throughout the week, which is above its long-term average of 18 mm (0.71 in). The daytime hours (from dawn to dusk) had an average cloud coverage of 12 %.

    The wind's speed averaged 2.4 m/s. Prevailing wind direction(s) were North and North-East. The air pressure varied between 1007 hpa and 1021 hpa. The air in Zagreb had an average humidity of 63 %.

    During the daytime (from dawn to dusk), there were in average: 15 hours clear skies, 1 hour overcast skies and 0.5 hours rainy weather. On average, the time of sunrise was 05:23, and the time of sunset was 20:40.

    Weather overview for Zagreb

    Weather overview

    Nestled within Croatia is the city of Zagreb, which is characterized by a temperate continental climate. Its seasonal temperature fluctuations range from an average daily high of 4 °C (40 °F) in January to a warming peak of 28 °C (82 °F) come July. Nightly lows mirror this pattern; January sees an average minimum of -2 °C (29 °F) while in July, the temperature gently decreases to an average of 16 °C (61 °F). Remarkably, the lowest precipitation occurs in January with about 8 days of rainfall, contrasting with June's pronounced wetness when rain is seen on 13 days.

    January weather

    In January, Zagreb experiences its lowest daytime temperatures, averaging 4 °C (40 °F), with the nighttime temperatures also dipping to their minimum at -2 °C (29 °F). There are fewest rainy days this month, averaging 8 days, and the rainfall volume also lessens with 51 mm (2.02 in) being the norm.

    February weather

    February heralds the onset of rising rainfall, as evidenced by an average of 9 days in Zagreb. Rainfall volume is at its lowest this month, reaching 48 mm (1.90 in). A gradual increase in daytime temperatures can be seen, averaging 7 °C (45 °F), with February also marking the start of nightly temperature increases. The beginning of a rise in sunny hours is notable, registering 4 hours.

    March weather

    The upward trend of daytime temperatures continues in March for Zagreb, with an average peak of 13 °C (55 °F), while nighttime temperatures rise to an average of 3 °C (37 °F). The early signs of increasing rainfall are apparent, recording 59 mm (2.32 in). More sunshine hours begin to manifest, with an average of 4 hours. The wind speed reaches its zenith, with an average of 2 m/s.

    April weather

    April in Zagreb sees further increase in rainy days, averaging 11 days. Daytime temperatures maintain a rising trend at an average of 17 °C (63 °F), with nighttime temperatures average warming to 6 °C (43 °F). An upward curve in sunny hours continues, now at 6 hours. Additionally, the lowes at humidity becomes noticeable.

    May weather

    The tourist season in Zagreb gears up in May with a noticeable increase in the number of rainy days, recorded at 12 days, accompanied by a rise in rainfall volume, amounting to 81 mm (3.18 in). Daytime temperatures continue their ascent to reach 22 °C (72 °F), and the nighttime temperatures also continue their upward trajectory, now averaging 11 °C (52 °F). An increase in the number of sunny hours is seen, averaging 7 hours.

    June weather

    With the tourist season underway in June, Zagreb enjoys further elevated daytime temperatures averaging 25 °C (77 °F) and an increase in nighttime temperatures to an average of 14 °C (58 °F). The peak in the number of rainy days is realized at 13 days, alongside a respective increase in rainfall volume at 98 mm (3.86 in). Sunny hours also increase, averaging 8 hours.

    July weather

    July in Zagreb is marked by the apex of daytime temperatures, with an average high of 28 °C (82 °F), and the nighttime temperatures peaking at 16 °C (61 °F) as well. The decline in rainy days begins, averaging 10 days, with a descending rainfall volume trend also being noted. The acme of sunny hours is evident at 9 hours, signifying clear skies.

    August weather

    Zagreb's tourist season persists in August, with a decrease in the number of rainy days to 9 days and a slight rise in rainfall volume. Daytime temperature begins its decline, averaging 27 °C (81 °F). The start of the reduction in sunny hours is also marked this month.

    September weather

    Tourism continues in September within Zagreb, where there is an initial uptick in the number of rainy days, noted at 10 days. The rainfall amount reaches its annual peak this month. The decrease in daytime temperatures endures, now at an average of 23 °C (73 °F), and the beginning of nighttime temperature decrease is also evident. The decline in the number of sunny hours becomes more pronounced, averaging 6 hours.

    October weather

    As October arrives, Zagreb sees a continued decline in daytime temperatures to an average of 17 °C (62 °F), and nighttime temperatures also decrease. The peak of the tourist season approaches. The decrease in rainfall volume begins, with the accumulation recorded at 86 mm (3.40 in), and rainy days also start to decrease, averaging 9 days. The decrease in sunny hours persists, commensurate with the previous month, at 4 hours.

    November weather

    November in Zagreb brings further cooling, with average daytime temperatures of 10 °C (50 °F) and nighttime temperatures averaging 4 °C (38 °F). The decrease in rainfall volume continues, and the initial increase in the number of rainy days is noted, averaging 10 days. The decline in sunny hours also continues, now at an average of 2 hours. Humidity reaches its maximum.

    December weather

    December in Zagreb witnesses continued cooling trends, with average daytime temperatures of 5 °C (41 °F) and nighttime temperatures dipping to around 0 °C (31 °F). The decline in rainfall volume persists, now at an average of 68 mm (2.68 in). Day length reaches its nadir, while the minimum number of sunny hours is a reality.


    What is the daytime temperature in Zagreb in January?

    The average daytime temperature in January in Zagreb is 4 °C (40 °F).

    How much precipitation is typical for Zagreb in February?

    In Zagreb, you can typically expect around 48 mm (1.90 in) of rainfall in February.

    What is the humidity level in Zagreb during March?

    March in Zagreb has a relative humidity averaging 68 %.

    How many sunny hours can one expect in Zagreb during April?

    April in Zagreb generally offers about 6 hours of sunshine daily.

    Does May fall within the rainier part of the year in Zagreb?

    No, May is not a particularly dry month in Zagreb; rainy days total an average of 12 days.

    What are the conditions like for tourists visiting Zagreb in June?

    Tourists will find June in Zagreb quite pleasant, with daytime temperatures averaging 25 °C (77 °F).

    Does Zagreb experience a wet season in July?

    July in Zagreb is not characterized by a wet season; expect rain on around 10 days during the month.

    What kind of temperatures will I face in Zagreb during August?

    August in Zagreb typically comes with pleasantly warm daytime temperatures, averaging 27 °C (81 °F).

    How frequent is rainfall in Zagreb during September?

    Rainfall in Zagreb during September occurs on approximately 10 days.

    What daytime temperatures can be experienced in Zagreb during October?

    In October, Zagreb offers average daytime temperatures of about 17 °C (62 °F).

    What temperatures can I expect during the nighttime in November in Zagreb?

    In November, Zagreb's average nighttime temperatures will be around 4 °C (38 °F).

    Does December in Zagreb bring a lot of sunshine?

    December in Zagreb generally experiences limited sunshine, with the lowest number of sunny hours for the year.


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