14 °C
7 °C
17 °C
68 mm
in month
Rainy days
8 days
in month
10 hours
4 hours
79 %
In Alberobello in November, the average air temperature ranges from 14 °C (58 °F) during the day to 7 °C (45 °F) at night. There are 8 days of rain on average, where the rainfall is 68 mm (2.67 in).
November is a good month to visit Alberobello. You can expect just 8 days of rain during the month, taking an umbrella is not necessary. A relatively low temperature of 14 °C (58 °F) may be ideal for walking or outdoor activities, but some people may have a different idea of the holiday. The temperature of 7 °C (45 °F) at night may make it better to dine inside or to put on more clothes for a dinner outside.
The average daily temperature in November in Alberobello is 14 °C (58 °F). Don't forget a sweater and light or normal jacket, but also pack light clothing in case the temperatures are above average. The weather at this time can be somewhat changeable and a wide range of clothing can become handy.
The temperature of the sea in November in Alberobello is 17 °C (63 °F). At this sea temperature, swimming probably won't be the best experience. You probably won't like to stay in water for a long time. On the other hand, there are a minority of people who seek these conditions.
There are 8 days, which are rainy in November in Alberobello, that is, days with precipitation more than 2 mm (0.08 in). Converted to days of the week, this means that it will occur on an average of 1.9 days of the week, or in general - 27 % days.
The average night temperature in November in Alberobello is 7 °C (45 °F). The nights will be cool, layers of clothes will be needed for evening and morning walks, the hotel should be equipped with heating.
There is an average length of sunshine of 4 hours per day in November in Alberobello.
There is precipitation of 68 mm (2.67 in) in Alberobello in November, which means 2 mm (0.09 in) rainfall per day on average.
No, November in Alberobello is not a rainier month than December.
No, there is no wet season in Alberobello in November - you can expect 8 days of rain during the month.
Alberobello has a decreasing trend of the sea temperature during November - from 19 °C (66 °F) in the first days of the month to 16 °C (61 °F) in the last days of the month.
In November in Alberobello, expect humidity around 79 %.
The length of daylight in Alberobello in November is 10 hours.
An average wind scale that can be expected in November in Alberobello is 4.
During November in Alberobello, the day temperatures are decreasing - from 17 °C (62 °F) at the beginning of the month to 13 °C (55 °F) at the end of the month.