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    Central Romania

    Brasov weather and climate

    Central Romania

    Brasov weather and climate



    25 °C



    13 °C



    91 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    14 days

    in month



    15 hours




    7 hours




    80 %



    25 °C



    13 °C



    91 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    14 days

    in month



    15 hours




    7 hours




    80 %

    Overview: Brasov
    Situated in the heart of Romania, the city of Brasov presents a climate with substantial variations over the months. With a mild continental climate, Brasov sees daily temperatures fluctuating on average from 0.80 degrees Celsius during the coldest month of January to a pleasant 24.70 degrees Celsius in the warmest month of July. Nighttime temperatures typically dip to -6.60 degrees Celsius in January, reaching a much more agreeable 12.90 degrees Celsius in July. If you're looking to avoid the rain, October might be your best bet with an average of just 7.17 days of rain, while June is the month to bring an umbrella with the high, at an average of 15.78 days of rain.

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    Weather overview for Brasov

    Weather overview

    Situated in the heart of Romania, the city of Brasov presents a climate with substantial variations over the months. With a mild continental climate, Brasov sees daily temperatures fluctuating on average from 0.80 degrees Celsius during the coldest month of January to a pleasant 24.70 degrees Celsius in the warmest month of July. Nighttime temperatures typically dip to -6.60 degrees Celsius in January, reaching a much more agreeable 12.90 degrees Celsius in July. If you're looking to avoid the rain, October might be your best bet with an average of just 7.17 days of rain, while June is the month to bring an umbrella with the high, at an average of 15.78 days of rain.

    January weather

    In Brasov, during this month, the daytime temperature hits its lowest average of 0.80 degrees, while at night it plummets to its lowest as well. A subtle increase in sun hours without clouds begins, totalling 2.30 hours. Meanwhile, the wind is typically at its calmest, with speeds averaging around 1.40 meters per second.

    February weather

    As Brasov transitions to warmer weather, the average daytime temperature mildly increases to 2.10 degrees. Precipitation is comparatively minimal, recorded at 27.52 millimeters, though the number of rainy days starts to climb, averaging 9.57 days. The number of sunlit hours also continues to ascend, reaching an average of 3.04 hours.

    March weather

    Daytime temperatures exhibit a consistent rise, settling at an average of 7.10 degrees in Brasov, whereas the nighttime temperature also begins to increase, registering at -2.80 degrees. There's a noticeable increase in sun hours without clouds, totalling an average of 4.29 hours, and precipitation levels start to elevate, amounting to 34.98 millimeters. This month is marked by the peak wind speeds of the year, averaging 2.40 meters per second.

    April weather

    In Brasov, with the advent of spring, the average daytime temperature continues to rise to 13.70 degrees, and the trend of rising temperatures at night also persists, with an average of 2.40 degrees. The outset of increased rainy days is evidenced, averaging 11.67 days, concurrent with a spike in rainfall, totalling 47.23 millimeters. Additionally, this month experiences the lowest average humidity and a substantial rise in sunlit hours without clouds, which now average 4.81 hours.

    May weather

    With the approach of the tourist season, May in Brasov continues to see a rise in the number of rainy days, averaging 14.38 days, and the uptick in rainfall amounts to 67.04 millimeters. Both daytime and nighttime temperatures persist in their upward trend. Sun hours without clouds also increase further, now averaging 5.79 hours.

    June weather

    June's weather in Brasov reflects a continual rise in the daytime temperature, now averaging 22.50 degrees. This month is a peak time for tourism and exhibits the highest number of rainy days, averaging 15.78 days, along with a significant rise in rainfall amounts to 92.49 millimeters. Furthermore, the increase in sun hours persists, averaging 6.33 hours, and the length of day reaches its maximum, recorded at 15.48 hours.

    July weather

    The tourist season continues in full swing in Brasov as July brings the highest daily temperatures, averaging an inviting 24.70 degrees. Nights follow suit with their maximum average temperatures. While there is a slight decline in the average number of rainy days, recorded at 13.92 days, sunlit hours without clouds remain similar to the previous month.

    August weather

    August in Brasov is characterized by a continuing decline in the number of rainy days, now averaging 10.60 days, as well as the beginning of a decrease in rainfall, measured at 71.89 millimeters. The warmth of the tourist season remains evident, though there is an initial dip in the nighttime temperature, averaged at 12.20 degrees. The number of sun hours without clouds peaks this month.

    September weather

    Tourist activity remains noticeable in Brasov throughout September, as the number of rainy days and rainfall both continue to fall, now averaging 8.29 days and 48.39 millimeters, respectively. The decline in night temperatures persists, with an average of 7.70 degrees, and daytime temperatures commence their descent as well, now averaging 19.40 degrees. In addition, there is a notable decrease in the number of sunlit hours.

    October weather

    A distinct reduction in the number of rainy days is apparent, reaching its minimum for the year as it averages only 7.17 days in Brasov, whilst a drop in the amount of rainfall is also evident, registering at 36.05 millimeters. The downward trend in both daytime and nighttime temperatures can be observed, averaging 13.80 and 2.70 degrees, respectively, and the count of sun hours without clouds sees a decline, averaging 4.82 hours.

    November weather

    The commencement of the rise in the number of rainy days can be observed, now averaging 7.71 days in Brasov. A pronounced drop in temperatures is noted, with average daytimes at 6.50 degrees and nights cooling down to -1.70 degrees. The quantity of sun hours without clouds continues to descend, now averaging 2.77 hours.

    December weather

    An uptick in the number of rainy days is noted in Brasov, and the decline in daytime temperature persists, now averaging 1.60 degrees. The average nighttime temperature further declines to -5.10 degrees. The least number of sunlit hours is observed this month, averaging 1.86 hours, and the minimum daylight length is also seen. Moreover, the highest average humidity for the year is recorded at 87.90 percent.


    What are the coldest temperatures of the year in Brasov?

    The coldest temperatures in Brasov occur during this month, with an average daytime temperature of 0.80 degrees and a nighttime low of -6.60 degrees.

    Does Brasov begin to warm up in this month?

    Yes, in Brasov temperatures start to climb in this month, averaging 2.10 degrees during the day.

    Is the weather starting to get warmer in Brasov during this month?

    Certainly, with an average daytime temperature of 7.10 degrees and nighttime lows beginning to rise, the weather is getting warmer in Brasov during this time of year.

    Is April in Brasov marked by a significant increase in both rainfall and sunny hours?

    Yes, April in Brasov witnesses a notable increase in both rainfall and sunlit hours, with 11.67 rainy days and an average of 4.81 hours of sunshine.

    What changes in weather can tourists anticipate in Brasov during May?

    Tourists in Brasov during May can anticipate more rainy days, with an average of 14.38, and longer hours of sunshine, averaging 5.79 hours, as well as rising temperatures.

    What is the likelihood of experiencing rain in Brasov during the month of June?

    In June, Brasov typically experiences the most rainy days of the year, with an average of 15.78 days of rain.

    What are the warmest temperatures I can expect during the day in Brasov in July?

    In July, the warmest daytime temperatures in Brasov average around a comfortable 24.70 degrees.

    What decreases in weather patterns can be observed in Brasov during August?

    August in Brasov shows a decrease in both the number of rainy days, averaging 10.60 days, and the amount of rainfall, as well as a minor decrease in nighttime temperatures.

    How advantageous is the weather for exploring Brasov in September?

    The weather in September offers a favorable scenario for exploring Brasov, with fewer rainy days, averaging 8.29, and mild daytime temperatures averaging 19.40 degrees.

    What trends in Brasov's climate can be seen with the onset of autumn in October?

    With autumn's arrival, Brasov presents a decline in rainfall and temperature, with the least rainy days averaging 7.17 and temperatures cooling down, spotlighting a daytime average of 13.80 degrees.

    Does Brasov experience an increase in rain and a significant cooldown in November?

    Indeed, November in Brasov marks an uptick in rainy days, with an average of 7.71, accompanied by a substantial decrease in temperatures and reduced sunlit hours.

    How does the weather in Brasov change as winter takes hold in December?

    As winter sets in, December brings a modest increase in rainy days in Brasov, the lowest daytime temperatures, reduced sunlit hours, and the highest humidity of the year.


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