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    Lübeck weather and climate in 2024



    22 °C



    13 °C



    18 °C



    71 mm

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    Rainy days

    12 days

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    15 hours




    7 hours




    78 %



    22 °C



    13 °C



    18 °C



    71 mm

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    Rainy days

    12 days

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    15 hours




    7 hours




    78 %

    Overview: Lübeck
    In Lübeck, Germany, one can experience typical Northern European weather with distinct seasons. Throughout the year, fluctuating temperatures from cold winters with some sub-zero nights to pleasantly warm summers are common. Winters can blanket the city with snow, and it's not unusual to witness frosty mornings. As spring blossoms, so does the warmth, eventually leading into summer's delightful highs that bring out the city's beauty. Autumn sees a gradual mellowing with crisp air before winter's chill sets in again. Precipitation is fairly distributed, with rainy days scattered across all seasons, inviting a mix of overcast and sunny days.

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    Weather overview for Lübeck

    Weather overview

    In Lübeck, Germany, one can experience typical Northern European weather with distinct seasons. Throughout the year, fluctuating temperatures from cold winters with some sub-zero nights to pleasantly warm summers are common. Winters can blanket the city with snow, and it's not unusual to witness frosty mornings. As spring blossoms, so does the warmth, eventually leading into summer's delightful highs that bring out the city's beauty. Autumn sees a gradual mellowing with crisp air before winter's chill sets in again. Precipitation is fairly distributed, with rainy days scattered across all seasons, inviting a mix of overcast and sunny days.

    January weather

    January in Lübeck welcomes the New Year with a chill in the air as temperatures hover around 4 °C (39 °F) during the day. The cold seeps into night with the thermometer potentially dipping to an average of -1 °C (30 °F). The city faces 13 days of rain, which may come with sleet or snow, depending on the current weather patterns.

    February weather

    February may still grasp Lübeck with winter's cold fingers as daytime temperatures barely climb to 4 °C (40 °F), with night temperatures typically bottoming out at around -1 °C (30 °F). The city registers an average of 11 days of precipitation, which can sometimes blanket streets in white or mix with rain.

    March weather

    March in Lübeck marks the gradual retreat of winter as the average daytime temperature rises to 8 °C (46 °F), and the darkness of night is less biting with an average low of 1 °C (33 °F). Expect rain over an average of 11 days, which slowly introduces hints of spring.

    April weather

    April's arrival in Lübeck sees a significant leap in temperature, promising an average high of 13 °C (55 °F) during the day. Nighttime averages a clement 4 °C (38 °F). The city anticipates rain on 9 days, alongside an increased number of sunlit hours, showcasing spring's full bloom.

    May weather

    May's canvas in Lübeck is often painted with warmer strokes as the month boasts daytime temperatures around 18 °C (64 °F) and nights at a comfortable 8 °C (46 °F). Lübeck experiences rain on an average of 11 days, gifting the scenery with a lush green hue and burgeoning blossoms.

    June weather

    June in Lübeck ushers in the start of summer with temperatures that typically reach 20 °C (69 °F) during the day and a mild 11 °C (51 °F) at night. The month sees precipitation on 12 days, ensuring that the city's flora remains vibrant amidst longer days.

    July weather

    July is when Lübeck basks in the height of summer's caress, with the mercury hitting an average high of 23 °C (73 °F) in the daytime. Evenings offer a pleasant 13 °C (55 °F). July is not without its showers, spreading rain across 13 days of the month.

    August weather

    Lübeck's August maintains the warmth with a daytime average of 22 °C (72 °F) and nighttime lows around 13 °C (55 °F). Rainfall punctuates the month with water for 12 days. The days remain long and the city lively as locals and visitors alike enjoy the late summer.

    September weather

    As September rolls into Lübeck, a nudge towards autumn is felt with average day temperatures cooling to 18 °C (65 °F). Nights are more pronounced at an average of 9 °C (49 °F). Lübeck observes rain on 11 days, hinting at the seasonal transition.

    October weather

    October in Lübeck sees the descent into autumn's embrace with average daytime temperatures cooling further to 13 °C (56 °F) and nighttime lows of 6 °C (43 °F). The city prepares for winter with 12 days of precipitation, which may include the first whispers of frost.

    November weather

    November's chill becomes more evident in Lübeck as the city experiences an average daytime temperature of 8 °C (46 °F). Night falls with a cooler 3 °C (37 °F). November brings rain on 12 days, further embellishing the late-autumn ambiance.

    December weather

    Lübeck's year concludes with the wintry month of December, where day temperatures average modestly at 4 °C (40 °F) while nights can lower to around 0 °C (31 °F). The city experiences rain on 13 days, potentially bringing along seasonal snowfall.


    How should I dress when stepping out in Lübeck during January?

    In January, bracing for the cold in Lübeck is essential. Consider thermal layers, a robust coat, and accessories like woolen scarves, gloves, and a warm hat to combat the average daytime temperatures of 4 °C (39 °F) and colder nights.

    Is February very cold in Lübeck, and how many hours of sun can I expect?

    With an average high of 4 °C (40 °F) and chilly evenings, February in Lübeck remains quite cold, accompanied by roughly 2 hours of sunshine per day, lending a brief respite from winter's grip.

    Can I expect to see the start of spring in Lübeck during March?

    Yes, March in Lübeck does hint at spring's onset with daily temperatures reaching an average high of 8 °C (46 °F) and the landscape starting to shrug off winter's blanket.

    Does April bring a substantial increase in daylight and warmth to Lübeck?

    April provides a marked increase in both warmth and daylight in Lübeck, with days warming to 13 °C (55 °F) on average and the sun graciously presenting itself for about 6 hours per day.

    What is the typical daytime temperature in Lübeck during May?

    In Lübeck, May is fairly warm with an average daytime temperature of 18 °C (64 °F), inviting outdoor activities and the enjoyment of the city's verdant parks and riversides.

    Is June warm in Lübeck, allowing for summer activities?

    June indeed heralds the beginning of summer in Lübeck, with warm average temperatures of 20 °C (69 °F) making it ideal for enjoying outdoor cafés, bike rides, and coastal jaunts.

    How hot does it typically get in Lübeck during July?

    July treats Lübeck to its warmest temperatures, averaging 23 °C (73 °F) during the day, making it perfect for a stroll along the Trave River or relaxing in one of many sun-drenched parks.

    Can I still expect summer warmth in Lübeck throughout August?

    Yes, August continues to sparkle with summer's warmth, showcasing average daytime temperatures of 22 °C (72 °F), perfect for enjoying the outdoors and the city's cultural festivities.

    Does the weather start to turn cooler in Lübeck during September?

    September marks a gradual shift with a comfortable average daytime temperature of 18 °C (65 °F) as Lübeck begins its approach towards the cooler months, reflecting in the crispness of the air.

    What is the temperature range I can expect in Lübeck during October?

    October in Lübeck presents a range where 13 °C (56 °F) is the average daytime peak and the nights cool down to an average of 6 °C (43 °F), signaling the need for warmer attire.

    How cold is Lübeck in November, and should I expect early signs of winter?

    November in Lübeck edges towards winter, showcasing colder average daytime temperatures of 8 °C (46 °F) and early signs of frost during the increasingly longer nights.

    With December's temperatures, is Lübeck wintry and festive?

    Indeed, December in Lübeck is distinctly wintry, with an average daytime temperature of 4 °C (40 °F), bringing with it a festive atmosphere, especially with the city's renowned Christmas markets.

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