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    Brugge weather and climate in 2024


    Brugge weather and climate in 2024



    22 °C



    15 °C



    17 °C



    71 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    10 days

    in month



    16 hours




    7 hours




    81 %



    22 °C



    15 °C



    17 °C



    71 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    10 days

    in month



    16 hours




    7 hours




    81 %

    Overview: Brugge
    The quaint city of Brugge in Belgium is characterized by its generally temperate weather conditions. The mercury typically fluctuates between 6 °C (43 °F) in the coldest of January days to a pleasant 22 °C (71 °F) in the height of July. Evening temperatures can dip to a brisk 2 °C (35 °F) during the chilly nights of February, warming up to a balmy 15 °C (58 °F) come July nights. With April standing out as the month with the least rainfall, totaling only 10, in stark contrast, November tends to bring the most downpours, soaking the city for an average of 14.

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    Weather overview for Brugge

    Weather overview

    The quaint city of Brugge in Belgium is characterized by its generally temperate weather conditions. The mercury typically fluctuates between 6 °C (43 °F) in the coldest of January days to a pleasant 22 °C (71 °F) in the height of July. Evening temperatures can dip to a brisk 2 °C (35 °F) during the chilly nights of February, warming up to a balmy 15 °C (58 °F) come July nights. With April standing out as the month with the least rainfall, totaling only 10, in stark contrast, November tends to bring the most downpours, soaking the city for an average of 14.

    January weather

    In Brugge, the day temperature reaches its annual minimum, while the night temperatures continue to drop. The start of a decrease in rainfall is noted, amounting to 63 mm (2.47 in), complemented by a decline in the number of rainy days. Meanwhile, humidity peaks at 87 %.

    February weather

    The coldest nighttime temperatures in Brugge are recorded now, averaging 2 °C (35 °F). The trend of fewer rainy days continues month-over-month, currently totaling 11, and the rainfall volume also reduces to 50 mm (1.97 in). An increase in clear, sunny hours is noted, now at 3 hours.

    March weather

    A gradual increase in Brugge's day temperatures is clear, reaching approx 10 °C (50 °F), and the night temperatures follow suit. The sunny hours continue to rise from the previous month, now averaging 4 hours.

    April weather

    In Brugge, temperatures continue their ascent with daytime warming to 13 °C (55 °F), while night temperatures also climb, reaching 6 °C (43 °F). The least amount of rainy days is observed now, with an average of 10, and rainfall volume is also at its lowest. The increase in sunny hours is steady, now averaging 5 hours.

    May weather

    Brugge enjoys continued warming in May, with day temperatures at 17 °C (62 °F) and nights growing milder at 10 °C (50 °F). The start of increased rainy days is observed, numbering 10, while rainfall volume begins to rise, totaling 59 mm (2.31 in). The number of sunny hours extends, now at 7 hours.

    June weather

    June brings more visitors to Brugge as the day temperatures rise further to 20 °C (67 °F), accompanied by an increase in night temperatures to 12 °C (54 °F). The rainfall amount also swells, now at 64 mm (2.50 in). The maximum number of sunny hours is observed, averaging 7 hours.

    July weather

    The pinnacle of summer is felt in Brugge with day temperatures soaring to 22 °C (71 °F), while nights are comfortably warm at 15 °C (58 °F). The tourist season is at its height during July. Rainfall shows a similar uptick, now at 71 mm (2.78 in), and the wind speed drops to its lowest, registering at 4.

    August weather

    As the summer season wanes in Brugge, rainfall persists with an increase to 79 mm (3.12 in). The humidity also reaches a noticeable low, averaging 79 %.

    September weather

    A downward trend in day temperatures begins in Brugge, now at 19 °C (66 °F), with nights also cooling to 12 °C (53 °F). The steady tourist influx persists. A decrease in rainfall amount is noted, reaching 69 mm (2.72 in), alongside a reduction in sunny hours, now at 5 hours.

    October weather

    Autumn's chill becomes more apparent in Brugge with day temperatures dropping to 15 °C (58 °F), and night temperatures also on a downward trajectory, averaging 9 °C (47 °F). The rainfall amount shows an increase, now at 81 mm (3.19 in), and the number of rainy days goes up as well. A trend of declining sunny hours continues, now at 4 hours.

    November weather

    The daytime cooling trend persists in Brugge, with temperatures at 10 °C (50 °F), while nights grow colder, down to 5 °C (41 °F). The peak in rainy days surges to a maximum, while the max rainfall volume is also at its zenith, quantified at 82 mm (3.24 in). The sunny hours continue to diminish, now standing at 2 hours.

    December weather

    As Brugge faces the end of the year, day temperatures decline further to 7 °C (44 °F), and night temperatures also drop, averaging 3 °C (37 °F). The number of sunshine hours sees its lowest point, with an average of 1 hour, and the minimal day length is also noted, totaling 8 hours. A beginning dip in the number of rainy days is observable, now at 13.


    What is the trend in humidity levels in Brugge during this time?

    Humidity in Brugge reaches its highest point, averaging 87 %.

    Does February mark the lowest night temperatures in Brugge?

    Indeed, February experiences the chilliest nights in Brugge with an average low of 2 °C (35 °F).

    Is there a significant increase in Brugge's daytime temperatures during March?

    Yes, there is a noteworthy rise in daytime temperatures with averages around 10 °C (50 °F).

    Is April known for having the fewest rainy days in Brugge?

    Yes, April typically has the lowest count of rainy days, averaging around 10.

    What changes occur in Brugge's rainfall during May?

    Rainfall in Brugge begins to increase during May, with both the number of rainy days and total rainfall volume going up.

    Is June considered a peak tourist month due to its weather in Brugge?

    Definitely, with its warm 20 °C (67 °F) day temperatures and plentiful sunshine hours.

    What is characteristic of Brugge's climate in July?

    July is characterized by warm days and mild nights, along with relatively low wind speeds.

    Does Brugge experience a high humidity drop in August?

    Yes, August sees a significant reduction in humidity, averaging down to 79 %.

    Are sunny hours in decline during September in Brugge?

    Precisely, there's a marked decrease in sunny hours as September progresses, with an average of 5 hours.

    Is there an increase in both rainy days and precipitation during October in Brugge?

    Indeed, October not only sees an increased number of rainy days but also a rise in precipitation levels.

    Do November's declining temperatures in Brugge coincide with peak rainfall?

    Precisely, as the temperatures fall, November experiences peak rainfall, both in terms of days and volume.

    How does the sunshine duration change in Brugge during December?

    December marks the least sunshine duration, with the sun shining for an average of 1 hour only.


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