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    Great Smoky Mountains

    Beech Mountain weather and climate

    Great Smoky Mountains

    Beech Mountain weather and climate



    26 °C



    14 °C



    125 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    13 days

    in month



    14 hours




    8 hours




    78 %



    26 °C



    14 °C



    125 mm

    in month


    Rainy days

    13 days

    in month



    14 hours




    8 hours




    78 %

    Overview: Beech Mountain
    Beech Mountain, located in the United States of America, boasts a temperate climate with variances in weather throughout the year. On average, the warmest month is July with daytime temperatures reaching around 26 °C (78 °F), and the coldest is January, when the mercury can drop to a chilling 6 °C (42 °F) during the day. Nighttime temperatures range from a low of -6 °C (22 °F) in January to a more pleasant 14 °C (58 °F) in July. The locality experiences the highest rainfall in July with as many as 13 days of rain. The driest month is typically October, receiving rain on only 8 days.

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    Weather overview for Beech Mountain

    Weather overview

    Beech Mountain, located in the United States of America, boasts a temperate climate with variances in weather throughout the year. On average, the warmest month is July with daytime temperatures reaching around 26 °C (78 °F), and the coldest is January, when the mercury can drop to a chilling 6 °C (42 °F) during the day. Nighttime temperatures range from a low of -6 °C (22 °F) in January to a more pleasant 14 °C (58 °F) in July. The locality experiences the highest rainfall in July with as many as 13 days of rain. The driest month is typically October, receiving rain on only 8 days.

    January weather

    January is the coldest month in Beech Mountain with average daytime temperatures at a brisk 6 °C (42 °F) and nighttime lows dipping to -6 °C (22 °F). The frequency of rainy days sees a slight increase from the previous month, resulting in 12 days of precipitation. Daylight begins to grow more plentiful, providing an average of 5 hours of sunshine, and wind speeds peak this month.

    February weather

    February exhibits a gradual warming trend in Beech Mountain with an average daytime temperature of 7 °C (45 °F), alongside a noticeable increase in nighttime temperatures to -4 °C (24 °F). The duration of sunlight continues to increase, recording 6 hours of clear skies daily.

    March weather

    March signals further warming with the day temperature climbing to 11 °C (53 °F), and the night temperature also rising, averaging -1 °C (30 °F). A tangible increase in rainfall is recorded at 112 mm (4.41 in), complemented by a steady rise in sunny hours to 7 hours per day.

    April weather

    April in Beech Mountain sees a decrease in rainy days to 12 days and a decline in rainfall amount to 105 mm (4.15 in). Daytime temperatures continue to warm, reaching 16 °C (61 °F), while nights become comfortably mild, averaging 3 °C (38 °F). The sunny hours persist in their increasing trend.

    May weather

    The onset of the tourist season is marked by May's climbing daytime temperatures to approx 20 °C (69 °F), and the nights warming up to around 8 °C (46 °F). Rainfall trends slightly upward, and the number of rainy days also increases to 12 days.

    June weather

    The tourist season presses on in June, with night temperatures averaging 12 °C (54 °F), and day temperatures racing to their peak at around 24 °C (75 °F). The longest day of the year occurs in this month. The number of cloudless hours also hits its yearly peak.

    July weather

    With July, Beech Mountain sees its day temperatures reaching their zenith, and the night temperature remains balmy, averaging 14 °C (58 °F). July is also characterized by the highest number of rainy days and the substantial volume of rainfall reaching 125 mm (4.93 in). The descending number of sunny hours becomes apparent.

    August weather

    In August, the decline of the daytime temperature is noted in Beech Mountain, averaging 25 °C (78 °F). Tourist activities remain at a high due to favorable weather conditions. Simultaneously, there is a slight reduction in rainy days and a moderate decrease in rainfall volume to 114 mm (4.48 in). Sunlight continues to lessen.

    September weather

    September's cooling trend continues in Beech Mountain, with the day temperature reducing to 22 °C (72 °F) and the night temperature falling to 11 °C (51 °F). The tourist season persists. Rainfall and the number of rainy days decrease further, while the quantity of sunlight also reduces.

    October weather

    October sees a continuation in the drop of daytime temperatures to 18 °C (64 °F), and the nights cool down to 5 °C (40 °F). The rainy season is definitely over with the least number of rainy days and the lowest precipitation recorded.

    November weather

    The onset of cooler weather is obvious in November with Beech Mountain's day temperatures dropping to 12 °C (54 °F) and night temperatures turning colder at 0 °C (32 °F). A steady incline in the number of rainy days is observed, along with a mild increase in the rainfall. The sunlight hours begin to wane.

    December weather

    December brings a continued decline in temperatures, with daytime averaging 7 °C (45 °F) and night temperatures dropping. A rise in rainy days is also observed, signifying a wetter period. The shortest day of the year is noticed in this month, with reduced sunlight hours.


    What is the typical daytime temperature and wind speed encountered in Beech Mountain during January?

    In January, you will experience average daytime temperatures of around 6 °C (42 °F) and the highest wind speeds of the year at approximately 4 m/s.

    How does the exposure to sunlight change in February in Beech Mountain?

    February in Beech Mountain promises extended sunlight with about 6 hours of sunny hours each day.

    Can you provide details on the increase in rainfall and humidity in Beech Mountain throughout March?

    March in Beech Mountain brings a noticeable rise in precipitation, with rainfall averaging 112 mm (4.41 in), and humidity levels settling at 64 %.

    What are the expected daytime temperatures and average rainfall in Beech Mountain during April?

    April brings mild weather in Beech Mountain with daytime temperatures averaging 16 °C (61 °F) and rainfall decreasing slightly to an average of 105 mm (4.15 in).

    How long are the sunshine hours in May, and how does this contribute to Beech Mountain’s tourist season?

    May in Beech Mountain enjoys prolonged sunshine, averaging about 8 hours each day, making it an enticing time for tourists.

    What weather conditions can tourists expect in Beech Mountain during June?

    Tourists venturing to Beech Mountain in June can expect on average 12 days of rain and maximum daily sunshine hours at 9 hours, complemented by the longest days of the year.

    Is July typically the warmest and wettest month in Beech Mountain?

    Yes, July in Beech Mountain features both the highest daytime temperatures around 26 °C (78 °F) and the most rainfall, with as many as 13 days of rain.

    How does the weather begin to shift in Beech Mountain during August?

    August begins the gradual transition in Beech Mountain with a slight cool-off in daytime temperatures to 25 °C (78 °F) and a lesser amount of rainy days.

    What changes occur in the weather of Beech Mountain as September arrives?

    September brings a cooler climate to Beech Mountain with a decrease in both day and night temperatures alongside receding rainfall, making it favorable for tourists still visiting.

    What characterizes October's weather in Beech Mountain?

    October in Beech Mountain is marked by milder daytime temperatures and the least amount of rain, indicating the end of the rainy season with only 8 days of rain.

    As winter approaches, how do daytime temperatures and rainfall change in Beech Mountain during November?

    Entering winter, November in Beech Mountain experiences a dip in daytime temperatures to 12 °C (54 °F) and an uptick in rainfall, signifying a precursor to the colder season.

    What can residents expect from the weather in Beech Mountain throughout December?

    In December, Beech Mountain residents should prepare for chillier days with average temperatures of 7 °C (45 °F) and anticipate an increase in rainy days as the year draws to a close.


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